
our visions is to create a platform for that are made from traditional techniquer skills and hand -based processes. we link thousands of craft based rural producers of India to domestic and international markets.

made in india

to bring you clothes that truly reflect the mystery that india symbolizes . we at veer fashions . go deep into the heart of the nation. Picking and choosing patterns that are flawless in their construction and appealing in -their character . to produce which , the primary tool our craftsmen employ are their hands. A skill passed down from generations and a passion borne out of years of practice .

In - house Design team

From fabrics to apparels , everything is exclusively designed by our in -house design team and produced by our dedicated weavers and sewers

Quality control

Each veer fashions product passes through three layers of stringent quality control to ensure the utmost customer satisfactions.

Feel one with your hands. They all have a story to tell . And it's more eloquent than words can say....


we promote Handloom

Handlooms not only create jobs in the rural India. the fabrics woven on the handloom have a special character in them . we call then 'fabrics with emotions '.


Fashion is dead

' don't be into trends . don't make fashion own you . but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the to live ."